Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Pioneer Spreadsheet

Okay, okay, I know the title of this sounds like a primary handout, but, believe me, it isn't.

I'm sharing today my working draft of a spreadsheet that has been built on many, many hours of hard work. In it I have all of my ancestors that are considered "pioneers" - in that they crossed the plains to Utah between the time that Brigham Young took the first company in 1847 and the time that the railroad came to Utah in 1869.

The spreadsheet lists my direct-line ancestor pioneer, with the family members that are known to have travelled with them, the ship they came on (if applicable and if known), the company they came with, information about that company, dates of travel, and any other information that I have been able to dig up about their journey. As you can guess, I lost count of how many hours I spent on this. And it isn't complete. Those darn Thorpes/Williams have been impossible to track down, though I've made some headway. I'm still searching for ship passenger manifests for several of the pioneers. And I've only just begun on my husband's ancestors (highlighted in green). But, all in all, it is still full of helpful information about our ancestors. And, if I had to do it all over again, I would in a heartbeat.

When you click on the link it'll take you to a page that says it won't load. In the upper right hand corner there is a button to download the spreadsheet. Click on that and it'll open on your computer.

If you have any information I am missing, please leave a comment below. Thanks!

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