Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happy birthday, Sarah!

Merrill Eugene Cook>Eliza Snow Bryson Cook>Samuel Bryson>Sarah Ann Connery Bryson

In honor of Sarah Bryson's birthday today I thought I would share some tidbits about her life. (Sorry, no pictures this time. I don't have any of Sarah.)

  •  Sarah and her husband, Samuel, were baptized in 1841 in Ireland. Severe persecution followed their conversion, so they moved to Scotland.  When they left Ireland no one would buy any of their possessions because they were Mormons, and they could take nothing except their clothing with them on the sailing vessel.  Their fine china was left on racks on the walls.  

  • When their daughter, Sarah Ann, was about three years old, she fell out of the second story window in the apartment house where they were living. Her mother was outside and saw her fall and caught her!
  • They came across the plains in 1855. When the company was near Laramie, Wyoming, they pitched camp and Samuel went out hunting.  He returned to camp just in time to see a big Indian carrying away his little girl, Eliza.  He raised his rifle and the Indian dropped her and galloped away.

  • They settled in Bountiful where Samuel's mother had built them an adobe house to live in. When Johnston's army came the family moved south to Utah County.  They scattered straw through their homes before leaving them, "ready to be burned by us rather than occupied and confiscated by the army.  They did not molest them, however, and after a short time we returned to our homes and resumed life in the regular manner. Because of the persecutions and afflictions, we were alert to protect ourselves and our homes from our enemies."    
  • She was a staunch Latter-day Saint and gave freely of herself to the Church. She was a faithful and devoted wife and helpmate to her husband , and a loving mother to her children. Sarah's eldest daughter, Sarah Ann, said, "In my childhood the gospel of Jesus Christ was foremost in our home.  It was our very life.  We were taught its principles, to honor the Priesthood, and to love God and His son, Jesus Christ.  We were taught to be humble before the Lord in constant prayer. This has been a source of strength and joy...  

You can read more about Sarah HERE

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