Friday, September 9, 2011

James Davenport Accused!

Dean Wyatt Thorpe>Antoinette Leavitt Wyatt Thorpe>Julia Ann Leavitt Wyatt>Antoinette Davenport>James Davenport

A common source of merriment for the pioneers was to hold “mock trials” for various trumped-up charges. One account described such a trial one night in May 1847 “Under a full moon which made the campsite nearly as bright as day.... The members of the camp were gathered around listening to the strains of the violin. Then we had a mock trial in the case of the camp vs. James Davenport. He was charged with blockading the highway and turning ladies out of their course. We laughed until our sides split at R. Jackson Redding acting as presiding judge.” 

You can learn more about James HERE.

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