Monday, September 26, 2011

The Adventures of Samuel

  Margaret Carol Pond Thorpe>Chloe Judd>Joseph Judd>Samuel Judd

Samuel left his family in England to emigrate to the United States and Utah, planning to raise the funds for the rest of the family to emigrate. On his voyage across the Atlantic, however, he, with the other passengers, was shipwrecked. 

He worked his way back to England, and again embarked. This time the ship was quarantined for yellow fever and the passengers were banished to an island. Again he worked his way back to England and suffered a severe illness. 

The third time he took passage on the ship "The John Boyd", which left Liverpool April 23, 1862, under the direction of James S. Brown. Finally he had found a ship that would make it. The ship arrived at New York June 1st. He arrived in Salt Lake Valley in the fall of 1862 (2 Oct) and immediately traveled to St. George where he went to work to buy passage for his family and to provide a home for their arrival. What an adventure!

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