Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cousins Everywhere!

Margaret Iva Richards>Emily Randall Richards>Alfred Randall

This is Alfred Randall's family group sheet with his wife, Margaret Elizabeth Harley. Today I found out that a member of our ward comes from Alfred and Margaret's 4th child, Margaret, while we come from Alfred's 7th child, Emily. Last month I found another family in the ward is related to us on Dad's side. It is a small world!

You can learn more about Alfred HERE.
You can learn more about Margaret HERE.

1 comment:

  1. After Joshua gave his talk about our pioneers, a member of our ward said she comes through the Richards line but she couldn't remember exactly who...she thinks Franklin D. but doesn't know the wife. I may send her this link if that's alright, so we can figure it out. She also bought a van from Jeff...very small world!
