Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy birthday, Zial!

In honor of Zial's birthday:

Zial Litchfield Riggs

The following is quoted from the nomination for Historical Status of the Zial Riggs home.

Built in 1868 of native sandstone, the Zial Riggs home is a 1 1/2 story hall and parlor folk/vernacular type with a 1 story rear lean-to extension. The house has a three bay symmetrical facade and gable-end fireplace chimneys. In massing and decorative trim the house reflects the Greek Revival style: the pitch of the roof is relatively flat, there is a plain entablature, and cornice returns are found on the gables. The lintels and sills are wooden beams and unadorned. The upstairs windows are approximately half as large as the lower openings and reveal the incomplete nature of the upper story.

The Zial Riggs House

The walls of the Riggs home are coursed ashlar with raised mortar joints. The stonework is of a uniformly high quality, suggesting that the house was originally constructed with the rear extension. There are heavy stone quoins whose light cream limestone coloring contrast sharply with the darker, multi-hued tones on the sandstone walls.

The home was built for Zial in 1868 by an unknown builder. He lived there from 1868 to 1887 when he sold it to John Maughan. The home is located at 94 E 100 S in Wellsville.

You can read more about Zial HERE.

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