Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy birthday, John!

Dean Wyatt Thorpe>Antoinette Leavitt Wyatt Thorpe>John Horsecroft Wyatt

In honor of John Horsecroft Wyatt's birthday this week, here's a little story from when he was a child, told by his sister Sarah Helen:

"Our home in Salt Lake was a log room plastered with clay. One night a driving rain storm came up. After we had gone to bed the rain washed the mud from between the bricks which caused the walls to give away. They all fell in except the corner where brother John and I were sleeping. Father and mother ran out with my two year old sister Josephine just before the roof came down. They couldn't find us. Father called and John answered, "We are over in the corner." He stood in front of me protecting me with his arms. Father helped us out over the fallen roof to the sidewalk. President Brigham Young heard of our trouble. He came and told father to bring his family to his home. We were soon safely in bed at President Young's home."

You can read more about John HERE.
You can read more about John and his family's trip to Salt Lake HERE.